

Smartpress is a web to print interface for custom printed materials. The interface needed to serve as a simple, intuitive space for the wide array of users. It was important to find a happy medium between utility and supporting imagery.


ROLE: UI/UX Designer

COMPANY: Smartpress

PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY: Ferenc Andahazy + Tim and Maddie Photography

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Smartpress product page templates needed to do two things, allow for a large view of the product itself and give a large amount of real-estate to the product calculator. On larger screens, the page can showcase both pretty evenly (as shown here). On smaller screens, the calculator will always take priority overlaying on top of the image, with the ability to collapse back giving the image top priority.

Since Smartpress offers such a vast array of products, the category and solutions pages needed to be easy to scan and easy enough to select the appropriate product to fit the user's needs. Although the page is long, the left navigation stays fixed on page scroll to allow the user to select the category they need without losing their way along the page. Utilizing product excerpts also allows quick reading to determine use-case without having to commit to a new page. Solution templates also include blog-related content to read further into the Smartpress solutions-based product offerings.